How To Set SEO for YouTube – Complete Guide

how to set seo for youtube channel, youtube channel seo tips

Let’s discuss how to set SEO for youtube channel. In this blog, you will get the clear knowledge of how to set seo for youtube channel.

YouTube is the biggest video platform around the globe. Every minute 500 Hours of videos are uploaded on YouTube.

According to a survey in 2023, 48.6% are men and 51.6% of users are women on YouTube.

92% of users come to YouTube to get information.

SEO is very important for YouTube without that you cannot be visible to your audience because of the vast content available on YouTube.

In this blog, you discover step-by-step guides on how to do SEO on YouTube & How to do YouTube SEO keyword research.

.1. Understanding YouTube SEO

how to set seo for youtube channel, how to do seo of youtube channel
Hand arrange white letters as SEO

Search Engine Optimization for YouTube Channels is important if you want more views and engagement. YouTube is a big social media platform with lots of daily users.

YouTube is also a website of Google. It has a similar algorithm to Google.

According to Hootsuite after applying keyword research, and creating captions and chapters they found a significant change.

Using keywords in your title tags and meta description helps you to rank higher on YouTube.

Key ranking factors on YouTube:

  1. Keyword research
  2. Creating captions
  3. Hashtags 
  4. Title tags
  5. Video description

2. Keyword Research For Youtube

Keywords are the search queries you target audience types to find a particular information. Keywords help you to rank higher on YouTube SERP which is similar to Google.

YouTube SEO keyword research is the first thing you have to do before making the video.

Find the keywords that are relevant to your audience search query.

Use keyword to find the relevant keywords your audience is searching for. You can enhance your reach with the help of keywords.

You can also use google keyword planner which will give you all the keywords according to your searches.

3. Optimizing Video Titles

how to set seo for youtube channel, how does seo work on youtube

Video titles are one of the components your users read before clicking the video they should be relevant to the user search. 

The video title limit is 100 characters. Video titles help you to do SEO Optimization for YouTube videos and make titles relevant to your audience.

according to research, your title should be mid-sized the long title performs the worst.

Always use your primary keyword in your title and make your title a little bit clickbait.

4. Video Description Optimization

The video description length shouldn’t exceed the limit of 5000 characters. Always keep in mind only 2 or 3 lines are visible to your customer before he/she clicks to see more.

Don’t stuff keywords in your video description use keywords naturally and remember your audience does not come to read a massive video description he/she comes to watch the video.

Always give CTA in your video description as well as in the video. Keep in mind if you use more than 15 hashtags YouTube ignores all of them.

5. Quality Content Creation

how to set seo for youtube channel, SEO optimization for youtube videos
Online Strategy Media Marketing Icons

Content is the king that helps you on every platform. Research your competitors watch their videos find the pain points of your customers.

Edit your video and use graphics that look more engaging and interesting to watch.

Find what they want and why they click on your video. Also, use good gadgets to improve your video quality.

Interact with your audience with your video and ask some questions to them. Always say to subscribe to my channel.

  1. Analyzing Your Data
how to set seo for youtube channel, how to do seo for youtube

Analyzing your account is important if you want to find a winning strategy for your channel. In your channel dashboard, you find your channel analytics.

Analytics helps you to give real-time data and keywords that are well-performing you also find the average watch time of your video which helps you find why people leave your video.

Find ways to retain viewers.

Analysis and make the best data-driven strategy that helps you to grow your channel.

These are the YouTube metrics:

  1. View metrics
  2. Watch time metrics
  3. Engagement metrics
  4. Playlist metrics
  5. Annotations metrics
  6. Card metrics
  7. Audience retention metrics
  8. Estimated revenue metrics

You will find more metrics in your channel analytics.

  1. Use End Screens And Cards
how to set seo for youtube channel, how does seo work on youtube

Have you ever seen a button on the right side of the video with (i) this is called cards. You can add up to 5 cards in your one video.

End Screens

End screens are visible at the end of the video. The end screen gives a thumbnail image and a link to watch another video.

You can add limited information to your end screen like your channel link or video link.

YouTube always tests end screens to improve the user experience so there is a time when you update the end screen on video but it may not appear.


To rank your video on top it takes time, effort and quality content. YouTube is the best platform for awareness purposes with huge numbers of active users. 

In this blog, we discussed about how to set SEO for a YouTube channel. YouTube video marketing is a time-consuming process and you also need a budget for this.

You need a professional SEO specialist and video editor to make quality content and rank higher on SERP.

We are also giving these services to our existing clients if you are confused about how to do SEO for YouTube book a consultation call or message me on WhatsApp.

Don’t forget to give your valuable feedback about our blog.

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